Links between Environmental Justice and COVID-19
Episode 7 - April 25, 2020

Merle and Lee discuss how the environment we live in has an impact on how the Coronavirus Pandemic spreads with Fushcia Hoover. They talk about how existing structural problems have made the pandemic worse in African-American and other communities and why simply telling people to socially isolate and behave better ignores all these issues. Fushcia also discusses some short and long term ways to solve some of these structural problems. Merle and Lee conclude the episode by reflecting on the similar points raised in the two recent episodes on inequality and environmental justice during the ongoing pandemic.
Further Reading
- Melissa Checker’s Wiped Out by the “Greenwave”: Environmental Gentrification and the Paradoxical Politics of Urban Sustainability
- Richard Bullard and Beverly H. Wright “Environmental Justice for All: Community Perspectives on Health and Research”
- Eileen Maura McGurty, “From NIMBY to Civil Rights: The Origins of the Environmental Justice Movement
Our Guest
Fushcia Hoover,
Postdoctoral Fellow, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), University of Maryland